Betty overcame recurring UTI's!

A couple's journey to better health! 

Clients' symptoms relieved through gut healing!


Nature's Elite has helped a number of people get healthier, alleviate pain, and to just feel better.  Here is what some of our customers have to say about Nature's Elite:
"I was in a few weeks ago for my anxiety son. You really helped explain a few things & helped me decide to try the VITADREAMZ gummies. They have literally been life changing! He is doing so well and told me to not buy anything else! Just wanted to send a huge thank you from this relieved mama!!"
— Anonymous
"I am so glad I found this a few months ago! Leila is terrified of storms. The CBD has helped so much! From just calming her down to even helping her sleep through storms. I am curious to see how well it will work with fireworks, but so far, has been a lifesaver with storms."
Anonymous (Yellow Tulip Design)
"I am needing some more good stuff... gonna have my knee replacement Thursday!! My doctor is impressed with the Muscle Relief Cream. It works so much better than the RX Voltaren that the Rheumatologist prescribed!"
Donna P.
"CBD literally changed my life. I battled with severe postpartum anxiety after my child was born. Multiple panic attacks, driving myself to the ER kind of anxiety.

My doctor put me on Lexapro and it helped but it wasn't something I wanted to take long-term. That's when I went to see Diana and she recommended CBD capsules.

After taking CBD for a few months, I was able to wean myself off Lexapro! I've now been taking CBD for over two years now- I never miss a day! I'm so thankful to Diana at Nature's Elite for helping me feel better so I can be an even better mom."
Aston B.
"Just wanted to let you know that the CBD gummies have changed so much in our home!! I give one to him before school and one before dinner. He no longer haddock any issues falling asleep- he actually falls asleep not long after he's in the bed. Before them, he used to read or get up multiple times. His mood is so much better, he focuses so much easier. he listens better. He's just more chill. I knew they would help- but goodness.

Oh, and we can tell a difference in his school work."
"What a great new business in Tullahoma, TN! My 92 yr. old father recently visited, and purchased creams & oil for arthritic shoulders & knees. The products are fantastic. Stop in to learn of all the products available to help you improve your health. Very knowledgeable and professional staff to assist you."
Jack S.
"Store is very inviting, even as you drive past.  When I went to Nature's Elite I learned a lot! This is a professional place with people with passion. Was nice to try a sample of the CBD drink, and I also picked up some treats for my dogs.
Great first experience!"
William E.
"These folks are pros. They are not pushy and explain their products to you. It's not all about a sell at this locally owned business, it's about education as well. Love it!"
Lucky K.
"Today I was finally allowed by my Dr to start taking CBD oils! I have checked out a few other places and stopped in here to see what they had! Ernie was extremely helpful, knowledgeable and a good listener! Gave me some samples and was not a pushy salesman! Thank you for helping me today I will let you know in a week how it’s going!"
Amy M.
"I was skeptical at first of the effectiveness of CBD oil. However, after my first dose I had no more doubts. Moments of high stress and anxiety are when I usual take a dose of the Elixinol Hemp Oil. In minutes I’m relaxed and clear headed, with none of the foggy, tired, and moody side effects of other medicines!"
Aubrie J.
"Amazing experience at Nature’s Elite!! Such a welcoming atmosphere!!  Diana and her staff always take the time to listen and answer all of my questions.   CBD has helped arthritis in my hands so much.  I am typing normally again with no pain in my hands, sleeping so much better and even dreaming again!!  Other products I am excited about-Probiotics, local honey and started Elderberry today.  Highly recommend!!"
Dianne D.
"LOVE this store!  Thank U Diana for taking the time to explain ur products, my husband and I knew we wanted to try the CBD but we were not sure what to get.  And I loved the other product choices u offer to aid in a healthy life style.  I want to mention my Cleo ( puppy dog ) loved the Edibites.  Thanks Again"
Tammy S.
"Great store, knowledgeable about their products. I am always greeted with smiles and joyful encouragement. We recommend Nature's Elite to everyone we meet. Thank you for opening your store and providing a comfortable and inviting environment."
Pam B.
"I have had GI and female issues for as long as I can remember! Dianna sat down with me and we discussed all my health issues. She was very helpful and knowledgeable. CBD oil has changed my life! I can’t even put it into words!!! Thank you!!!"
Heather J.
"I suffer from neuropathy in my feet and hands. I went here to simply inquire about the CBD oil to take for this condition. What I got in turn were some gummies to aid in sleep, and oil to help with my neuropathy, a diabetic I also have found the oil is helping to control my sugar and that evening spike I seemed to get. Diana is very helpful and so supportive. She honestly cares for the customer and your overall health."
Grady A.
"So excited to see a store offer such great quality items this close to home! Talked with Diana when I went in for the first time and she is so knowledgeable about all things natural, I could have talked to her for hours! Thank you so much for opening your store! It looks great girl!... I wanted to add a review of the actual products I’ve tried so far. I have bad TMJ symptoms; Sporadic hearing loss, tinnitus and severe vertigo to name a few. After talking with Diana, I purchased the bee pollen and the Elixinol Hemp Liposomes Saturday and today is my 3rd day IN A ROW being able to hear out of my left ear. My right ear (which is worse) has even less ringing in it as well. I’m confident in my purchase and I will be back to this store!"
— Patient with TMJ and Hearing Restored.
"I had a tendency to awaken during the night on a continuous cycle and going back to sleep was always a problem.  I came to Nature's Elite and after the proper counseling,  I've been overwhelmed with the sleep production from these products.  Do yourself a favor and sleep well with the aid of Nature's Elite."
— Who Said It
"As a sufferer from chronic migraines, I have tried everything. From medications to nerve blocks, nothing helped. I was recommended this place by a friend who had success with a product from here. The woman was extremely nice and talked with me as we did an experiment with an oil drop. Within 10 min my headache was relieved! So so recommend this place. The business is awesome!"
Isabella M.
"I have had questions about CBD oil and was honestly kinda skeptical. I got a great referral to Nature’s Elite from a trusted friend and headed over that day. I was on Day 4 of a MASSIVE migraine that had kept me in bed and miserable. Nothing worked. Diana was so helpful in helping me find the best product for me and within minutes of taking the product I already felt some relief. The headache was completely gone within hours and I have not had another one since. Not only that but the very next week we went to Disney and walked A TON. My body was aching.... because I’m fortunate enough to add more years on my life, but I had relief again from the CBD oil. No pain, no soreness. Complete relief. I’m a believer and highly recommend you go see the people at Nature’s Elite if you have questions or a gut feeling that this might be beneficial in your life. I believe it will!
Thanks, Diana!!! You’ll see me again soon!"
Sarah A.
"I absolutely must share ... I have trigeminal neuralgia and I have been on CBD oil for 18 months. The CBD oil was keeping my symptoms tolerable until about 2 months ago so I went into to see Diana and I went on CBD capsules to try to help with my symptoms, then my TN went into overload. I went back to see Diana and I went on the Elixinol hemp oil liposomes. Oh my word, within 2 days my symptoms were gone and once again I was able to function. The day I went in Nature’s Elite I was in a lot of pain and ready to admit I did not know what else to do to help the extreme pain I had had for weeks. If you are on the fence, please hear me when I say that the liposome hemp oil works fast and effectively. I am now able to participate in my life again and I feel amazing. Thank you for caring and spending time with me to discuss this product. Go see Diana and she will get you the right product."
— Pat M.
"During treatment and rehabilitation of a leg injury I was in a great deal of pain. I went to Nature’s Elite and with Diana’s help I decided to try Delta 9 CBD gummies instead of traditional OTC drugs. After some feedback from me, she suggested I adjust to cut the gummy and to spread it out over the day to give me the maximum benefit. I could not believe the relief the Delta 9s gave me and highly recommend anyone treating inflammation or pain to see Diana and her staff to inquire how they might help you."
Cheryl T.
"I started taking CBD oil after being urged to by my daughter, not expecting to see any changes.  Well! Let me list them:I have a blood disorder, a long name that I cannot spell or pronounce but the bottom line is my body does not maintain a normal platelets level, which should be over 100K.  I was diagnosed nearly 10 years ago and have been treated by an oncologist/hematologist since.  I currently have a maintenance check on my platelets every four months.  For years, test results bounced between 30,000 and 50,000, even getting as low as 20,000.  The oncologist was concerned enough about my platelets that he did a bone marrow biopsy (not fun!) that didn’t reveal a reason for my blood disorder but I was happy the learn I didn’t have bone cancer. I broke my right wrist and left shoulder in July 2017 and the orthopedist refused to set my wrist because my platelet count was so low he feared I would bleed out.  So I have a deformed, mobility-impaired wrist in chronic pain.  I had been taking CBD for about three weeks when an oncologist platelet check-up came due in April.  My treatment specialist was ecstatic, my count was 104,000.  He checked my history and verified I had never had such a number in my years of treatment there.  I was so excited and shared this result with my children who continually worry about my health.  My daughter asked, “Mother, what have you done differently?”  I answered, “Nothing.”  When she pushed, I remembered, “CBD oil.”  Im excited that I have an appointment next week with an orthopedic surgeon who is prepared to rebreak my wrist and repair it correctly now that my platelets are higher. I also have insulin-dependent diabetes, diagnosed in 1972, that has been “brittle” since diagnosis, with stability only partly accomplished when I got an insulin pump in 1998.  However, stability has remained erratic.  An insulin pump dispenses a basal insulin rate which allows a pre-set amount of insulin to my body over a 24-hour period, much like a well-working pancreas.  I then check blood sugar readings before I eat and then give myself a bolus insulin dose based on the reading and the carbs I am going to eat.  The doctor treating my diabetes had told me not to bolus if my fasting blood sugar was below 80.  No problem, right?  Well, after taking CBD oil for 3 weeks, my fasting sugars were below 60.  I did not take a bolus for weeks.  When I let myself run out of CBD oil, and let my guard down on counting carbs, my blood sugars spiked.  Since I started being vigilant about carbs again, AND replenished my supply of CBD oil, I am now again very rarely needing a bolus dosage.  I will NOT run out of CBD again. Another health issue I deal with is neuropathy from years of unstable diabetes, which is complicated by breaking both bones in my lower left leg in November, 2018, and having a long period of immobility in that leg.  My PCP prescribed Lyrica and we noted positive results.  Earlier this month, I ran out of Lyrica.  When I started to call the PCP about a refill a few days later, I realized my condition had not only not exacerbated, but was improved.  So I decided to not continue the med and I continue to improve. I attribute less neuropathy pain to taking CBD oil.  Did I say I just this week I had my 90 day check-up (required by Medicare) with my PCP and shared with him my CBD use?  He was not only supportive, he was excited about my results and asked me to keep him informed.  Grateful that I have a holistic and open-minded doctor who always listens to me!Life is so good, and CDB is now a one of the reasons it’s good! "
Fran L.
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